Alpha Tau Mu Fraternity, Inc.
Tuskegee Institute Alpha Mu Chapter

The Service
Past Projects
1. Renovation of Camp Atkins
2. Campus Clean Up
3. Bucket Drop for American Cancer Society
4. Moton Field Fly-in
5. Auburn Humane Society
6. Clean/Renovate the Lee County Humane Society
7. Auburn Halloween Event
8. Trunk or Treat
9. Thanksgiving in the Square
Current Projects
1. Volunteering at Local Schools (mentoring and tutoring)
2. Boys and Girls Club in Auburn
3. Volunteering with the VA
4. Special Olympics
5. Habitat for Humanity
6. Local House Renovations
7. Adopt a Family
8. Campus/ Stadium Clean Ups
9. Albany Donations
10. City Wide Cleanups
11.Rebuild Tuskegee Project

The Social
Family BBQ's Trips to Georgia Aquarium
Retreats Step Shows
Stroll Offs Field Days
Movie Nights Paintball
These are just some of the many social activities that we partake in as a family. We work hard and we play hard.